Monday, September 3, 2007

Self publishing my book

I decided to self publish my book. After much research I chose a self publisher and sent in my manuscript. They evaluated my manuscript and I was very pleased with the evaluation.
I guess all the editing I did on my book finally paid off. First I gave my manuscript to a friend to get her opinion on the stories and check the flow of the chapters. Then I gave it to my sister-in-law. I was a little concerned about her reaction since the stories were about her big brother. She felt they were hilarious and enjoyed reading the manuscript. Next I had my daughter and her husband read over the stories to see if they flowed and were clear.
Finally I went to my oldest daughter’s home in Texas and we went to a luxurious hotel and did the final evaluation. On our way we stopped at a local grocery store and got a bottle of wine, cheese, and some apples. We ran into her friend and Maureen told her about my book and she wanted her picture taken with me since I soon would be a famous author. Before long the manager joined us and I have a couple book orders.
We had a great time at the hotel and accomplished editing the rest of the manuscript.

Our first stop on the way to editing my book.

This book took two years to write.

Editing in the lobby.



Room service.

A break from editing.

Editing on the balcony.

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