Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mistaken Identity

At my book signing Saturday in the Clearview Mall, I was mistaken 5 times as an information center. First, a couple of teenagers asked me, “Do you have an ATM machine in the mall?” I knew where it was since it was 10 feet in front of me. Second, an elderly lady asked me, “Where are the restrooms?” Third, a gentleman asked me, “Where is the security office?” Fourth, a lady asked me, “Where is the health store located?” Fifth, an elderly gentleman asked me, “Do you carry the mystery novels, “The Hardy Boys.”
Okay! I definitely need something besides a stack of my books on a table, me with my book business cards, and 10 bright orange signs stating, “Help! I Married a Cartoon Character By Liz Lally Book Signing Saturday May 7, 2010 12:00 to 3:00” posted all around me.