Sunday, April 18, 2010

Book Signing at Northway Mall in Pittsburgh

I talked to numerous people today at my book signing. Many women expressed that they too had married a cartoon character. Isn’t Tom lucky to have a wife who wrote a whole book about him?
Tom came along to keep me company while I was doing my book signing. Check out the pictures and see how much company he was for me. His cousin was at the baseball game in Pittsburgh a few miles from the bookstore and I think Tom was secretly hoping that he would stop by and keep him company. However I think Tom was the last thing on his cousin’s mind this afternoon.
The Pennsylvania hills never cease to amaze me. I went into Borders and then walked down the hall of the mall, then rode an escalator to the second floor, then rode an escalator to the third floor. While on the third floor I noticed doors at one end of the hallway. I thought, “Why are there doors on the third floor?” As I was thinking this, some people opened the doors and walked through. Now how can you walk into a mall go up to the third floor and walk outside. Only in Pennsylvania.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone asked for Tom's autograph yet!!

The Cartoon Character said...

Not Exactly